(photo credit: Solen Feyissa - Creative Commons)

I had to give up posting on Twitter so I’d have more free time to… read about Twitter.

The Twitter apocalypse has given birth to some really insightful writing about social media in general and, more specifically, Twitter’s new era of awfulness.. The best of it might be this piece from Josh Marshall, over at Talking Points Memo, about how Twitter appears to have “red-pilled” the richest man in the world.

Then there’s Chris Hayes in the New York Times, about what was good about Twitter, once-upon-a-time, and how it all went so very, very wrong.

But the funniest of these pieces has to be Ian Bogost’s hysterical take in The Atlantic. He’s got it right. Tweeters tweeting tragically about the last days of Twitter is the most perfectly Twitter thing in the history of Twitter: it’s a snake eating its own tail. It’s gross and horrible, but you also gotta laugh.
